16 Aug In-Person Covid-19 Protocol
Posted at 12:49h

We are 100% committed to providing safe events in Austin. The health and safety of our staff, members, leadership, and attendees is our utmost priority.
In order to provide safe events we have started a check-in protocol for in-person events and are following protocols consistent with the Austin Public Health COVID-19 Risk-Based Guidelines:
- If you are not fully vaccinated, we ask that you refrain from attending in-person LGBT Chamber events
- We have implemented a wristband check-in for your comfort and protection at all 2021 in-person events
- Please wear a mask at all times while indoors, unless actively eating or drinking
- Please continue to follow other prevention measures, including washing your hands and social distancing according to CDC guidelines
- We will have Ally Medical at the doors providing temp checks, masks, and wristbands anytime Austin is in Stage 3 or higher
Please keep up with the latest from the City of Austin by clicking the images below. We will keep this page updated as we get closer to the event.
Stay safe Austin, we can not wait to see you at the 2021 Business of Pride Awards Gala!