05 Jan Best Place For Working Parents

Take the first-of-its-kind business self-assessment to determine whether you qualify for a Best Place for Working Parents® business designation.
National research tells us that there is a serious business case to being family-friendly. More than 15 million U.S. workers have quit their jobs since April 2021, and 45% percent of those surveyed said needing to take care of family was a key factor in their decision.
Be at the forefront of attracting and retaining top talent by becoming a 2022 Best Place for Working Parents® designated business through Early Matters Greater Austin – fueled by United Way for Greater Austin and E3 Alliance.
Through a short, confidential online self-assessment, businesses can see if they qualify for a Best Place for Working Parents® designation and view how their company compares to other companies of similar size and industry. This first-of-its-kind business self-assessment promotes research-backed policies that benefit both working parents and businesses’ bottom line. The assessment opens on January 10, and qualifying businesses who take the assessment by February 11th will be promoted through local media outlets and receive unique branding opportunities.
Last year, over 100 local businesses earned their designation, and we would love for you to join them. For more information or to take the self-assessment, visit bit.ly/bestplaceforworkingparentsatx.