26 May Take the Census Now, 9 Questions in 9 Minutes

For the first time ever, the U.S. Census is counting same-sex spouses and partners in households. That means we have a greater opportunity than ever to help bring more valuable resources to Austin’s LGBTQ+ community.
Ensuring the LGBTQ+ community is accurately counted will help policymakers secure federal funding here in Austin for programs such as:
- Community development block grants
- Housing and adoption assistance
- Career and technical education grants
- Projects for assistance in transition from homelessness
- HIV emergency relief project grants

You can help by:
- Being sure you fill out the Census for your household. It’s quick and easy—9 questions in 9 minutes!
- If you are a business, encourage your employees to complete the Census.
- Urge your friends, family members and colleagues to take the Census by sharing QueerTheCensusATX posts on social media. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
Also, be sure to visit QueerTheCensusATX.com to discover easy ways to help, and sign up for email updates. It’s all part of a coordinated national effort of the National LGBT Task Force and is being spearheaded locally by the Austin-Travis County LGBTQI+ Census Complete Count Committee with representation by:
- City of Austin
- University of Texas
- Transgender Education Network of Texas
- Waterloo Counseling Center
- Austin Tech Alliance
- Texas Civil Rights Project
- Austin Pride
At last count, Texas was slightly behind the national average in U.S. Census form completion (55% versus 60% nationally). Because of COVID-19, the deadline for collecting Census data has been extended to October 31. That means Texas and all other states won’t receive final Census data until as late as July 31, 2021–which could spell a special session for the Texas Legislature for redistricting.
While it’s progress that same-sex household partners are finally being counted, we’re hoping that by the 2030 Census, we can check more than male or female in the gender box.
In the meantime though, let’s be counted so Austin programs benefitting the LGBTQ+ community can be appropriately funded. Every person counts, no matter who you are, how you identify, who you love or where you live.