19 Apr SAVE THE DATE-2021 Business of Pride Awards Gala

The 2021 Business of Pride Gala honors the leaders of Austin’s LGBTQIA+ business community, business allies and celebrates their success. Please join us for an exciting evening as we bring together our community and award those who represent the epitome of business success in the LGBTQIA+ community. This event will be Covid-19 compliant. We will have safe check-in procedures and on-site temp checks. We will also have a bracelet check-in process so each recipient can feel safe and comfortable. Black Tie and Formal Attire are required.
Friday, December 3rd
Hilton DowntownTicket information will be released soon.
Fill out this quick form if you would like us to save you a seat or table! https://airtable.com/shryYPGspuPkAcTIo
Sponsorship oppertunities availiable!
Contact info@austinlgbtchamber.com for more information.