12 Apr Covid-19 Safety and Comfort
The Austin LGBT Chamber is going back to in-person events in June! We know this can be scary and feel uncertain at times. We have worked tirelessly to provide you with additional safety protocols for the remainder of 2021.

We ask that you follow these basic guidelines during events to ensure the safety of our members and guests:
• Stay home if you are sick or have been near someone who thinks they may have or have been exposed to COVID-19.
We will be strictly following CDC guidance.
We have asked Ally Medical to be our 2021 Medical Sponsor for all in-person events. They will provide temperature checks at the door for larger events, will oversee a wristband system, and will be on-site to assist.
We take your health and life seriously. We ask that you help us to keep everyone safe.

Wristband System:
Wristbands will be available at check-in. We ask that all guests wear one to indicate your comfort and safety levels. This will ensure that boundaries and consent are a priority.
Red: Stop
Not comfortable with touch AND/OR
Not Vaccinated
Would like 6 feet distance
Yellow: Caution
Some touch okay AND/OR
In vaccination process
Green: Let’s Go
Comfortable with touch AND
Fully vaccinated
Hugs welcome