12 Nov Austin voters said an enthusiastic “yes” to Propositions A and B

Austin voters said an enthusiastic “yes” to Propositions A and B on Nov. 3, in an election with a record 70% turnout in the City of Austin. Proposition A passed with 58% of the vote, and Proposition B passed with 67% of the vote.
Proposition A asked voters to vote for or against approving the City’s property tax rate and dedicating 8.75-cents towards the implementation of Project Connect. The property tax revenue will provide funding for the capital cost plus operations and maintenance of the transit system once built. The initial investment also includes $300 million for transit-supportive anti-displacement housing strategies. The dedicated property tax revenue, along with Capital Metro revenue and Federal funding, will be directed to a new, independent government organization called the Austin Transit Partnership to oversee, finance and implement Project Connect.
Proposition B asked voters to vote for or against $460M in voter-approved general obligation bonds for transportation infrastructure projects including sidewalks, transportation-related bikeways, urban trails, transportation safety projects (Vision Zero), safe routes to schools, and improving substandard streets.
For more information about City of Austin Propositions A and B, visit AustinTexas.gov/MobilityElections2020.