24 Sep Austin City Council Candidate Forms Sep. 16th -Oct. 7th

A forum will be held for each of the five district council seats on the Nov. 3, 2020 election ballot.
The City of Austin is sponsoring several virtual forums to hear from candidates for City Council.
The City’s Ethics Review Commission and the League of Women Voters Austin Area will host a forum for each of the five district council seats on the November 3,2020 election ballot. There is also a forum planned in the event of a runoff election.
Each event will be an opportunity for Austinites to listen to candidates express their views so audience members can understand candidates’ positions and make informed voting decisions. Candidates who are elected will serve four-year terms.
All online forums begin at 6 p.m.:
- District 2: Wednesday, September 16th
- District 4: Wednesday, September 23rd
- District 6: Wednesday, September 30th
- District 7: Wednesday, October 7th
- District 10: Tuesday, September 29th
- If Runoff: Monday, November 30th
The forums will air live at ATXN.TV (English & Spanish), cable TV channel 6, and AT&T U-Verse channel 99. The forum can also be heard on KAZI FM 88.7 and by telephone in English and Spanish (view phone numbers for individual events here). For more information, visit AustinTexas.gov/CandidateForums.
People interested in suggesting a question to be asked of the Candidates during the forums can email forum@lwvaustin.org or call 512-451-6710 by 5 p.m. of each forum date. Topics can be both citywide and Council district-specific. Questions suggested repeatedly will be considered for inclusion.
For more information about the election process, visit AustinTexas.gov/Elections.