05 Jan Arts-The Cultural Trust is moving forward!

The Cultural Trust is moving forward! In 2018, the City of Austin resolved to support a community arts stabilization trust, the Austin Cultural Trust, that would create, through purchase and long-term lease, affordable spaces that support artists and arts organizations, preserve historic and iconic cultural buildings and spaces for creative and cultural uses, and functions in a way that provides for cultural assets to exist in all parts of the city. The projects for the Cultural Trust will be identified through a Request for Proposals (RFP) process, managed by the AEDC (Austin Economic Development Corporation) and it is now open and will last through March 2022. This RFP is an opportunity for organizations providing cultural arts, music, and another creative programming, faced with the growing costs of Austin real estate, to identify needs for long-term affordable space with financial and technical support from the City and AEDC. This program is designed to assemble the breadth of projects/space needs of organizations to further identify resources, as well as identify projects for early investments.
The Cultural Trust is moving forward! In 2018, the City of Austin resolved to support a community arts stabilization trust, the Austin Cultural Trust, that would create, through purchase and long-term lease, affordable spaces that support artists and arts organizations, preserve historic and iconic cultural buildings and spaces for creative and cultural uses, and functions in a way that provides for cultural assets to exist in all parts of the city. The projects for the Cultural Trust will be identified through a Request for Proposals (RFP) process, managed by the AEDC (Austin Economic Development Corporation) and it is now open and will last through March 2022. This RFP is an opportunity for organizations providing cultural arts, music, and another creative programming, faced with the growing costs of Austin real estate, to identify needs for long-term affordable space with financial and technical support from the City and AEDC. This program is designed to assemble the breadth of projects/space needs of organizations to further identify resources, as well as identify projects for early investments.
- The program information can be located at http://www.austinedc.org/cultural-trust
- The registration and RFP for the program is open! Potential applicants need to register in order to receive the Online Application/Request for Proposal, as well as updates on the various workshops intended as a part of the program.
- All video recorded information sessions, worksessions and other materials are posted on the website which is continually updated.
- Final deadline for the program is March 31, 2022